
September 04, 2023

Every month I look forward to posting the blog and sharing a bit of us with you. Whether it be cheese-inspired; community related; or a reflection on life events. But as September begins, the more lax gears of summer shift back into the rigors of ‘reality’ and the road ahead.

And indeed, a rugged road it is. we see and hear the general fatigue from two years of isolation and change, to the pressures of subsequent skyrocketing prices and costs; unforeseen challenges; and a world that is rapidly changing and not necessarily for the better. Which brings me to a reflection as taken from writings by Sara Young…


“Sometimes I look back nostalgically at a long-ago stage of my journey –  yearning for that easier, less complicated time. But I’ve come to recognize it for what it was: a base camp. It was a time and place of preparation for the ardurus adventure that was ahead of me. This mountain that I now climb, however, is exceedingly tall; the top of it is hidden in the clouds. So It’s impossible for me to know how far up the heights I’ve already come – and how far I have yet to go. Though each day is a challenge, (and I often feel weary), I can still enjoy the magnificent scenery. It is then that I realize that the higher and steeper the trail, the greater the adventure will be… “