July 27, 2023

I do believe there are times when one door closes only to present another. A ‘next-step’, if you will, in this journey we are all on. Some call it fate… ultimately it is our cue and our opportunity to move closer to a true understanding of love and ultimate selfless existence.


Last month we said goodbye to our dear greyhound, Joker. He had taught us much over his years. Unconditional love; resilience; dedication to name a few. While feeling the void of his departure, our sight was directed to the plight of the Spanish Galgo.


One does not need to look further than Wikipedia’s “Galgo Espanol / Animal Cruelty Concerns” to be jolted to the realization of the horrors faced by the galgo. Even as I speak, dogs that are otherwise known as ‘quiet; docile; sweet; good with children…’ are one of the most historically abused and disregarded beings.

Thankfully there are people and organizations such as Charlotte Del Rio of  112 Carlota.Galgos that are helping to turn the tide on this atrocity. With their affiliated Carlota Galgos Rescue Canada they perform miracles. And it is with this connection that our next step forward is to jump on board and adopt two lovely galga sisters, Dalia and Linea. This will begin a new chapter for us, but more importantly perhaps is the opportunity to highlight the need and spread the word. On that note, we ask you to check out:

It is time to raise a universal awareness and a voice to help and protect the ever-so-noble Galgo.