May 29, 2016

In 1964, after a local newspaper ad and the call for registration, the “Aurora Soccer Team” was formed. Twenty-eight boys and one girl, equipped with three balls and five coaches, began what was to become an integral part of youth and community in Aurora.

…Fast forward… and we sit on the brink of the new 2016 season of the “Aurora Youth Soccer Club”. It is with pride and anticipation that we become involved as a new sponsor and supporter, with team ‘La Jolie’ making their debut on May 30. In order to prepare for this, coach Helen Carmody and co-coach Richard Brown kindly joined us at the shop for her team meet-and-greet. The boys looked amazing in their shirts, and their enthusiasm and excitement can only mean a great season ahead!

To all the players at AYSC, we wish success, new skills to be learned, fun to be shared, and friendships to last a lifetime. And to the La Jolie boys in yellow…Cheers!!

