September 29, 2022

Have you read the children’s book “The Ghost’s Dinner”? Published in 1994, and written by Jacques Duquennoy, it always comes to my mind each October when Halloween appears on the calendar.

The plot begins as Henry (a ghost) serves up dinner to his ghostly friends. As they sample each delicious course, the transparent guests literally take on the color and appearance of each food that they eat. I can’t help but laugh when they reach for the cheese.

The story line of The Ghost’s Dinner is delightful… and also quite clever! “You are what you eat” echoes in my mind as I read on. (As a footnote, I always thought that my grandfather was the author of this phrase… but alas, it dates back to 1826 when first uttered by the famous French author, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin). No matter the source, there is a world of truth in this simple concept and phrase.

Our bodies (aka our cells, organs, etc.) rely on our provisions and the goodness that they carry. It seems that the more we tamper, be it via fillers, additives, or processing, the more we disengage with that which is healthy and good. There is a constant truth in the concept that the closer we (in our fast-forward era) can stay to the pure and simple, (be it ‘old world’, ‘hand crafted’, or ‘artisan), the better off we shall be. Just like the ghosts in the story, our bodies, in total, reflect that which we consume.

As the 31st approaches, enjoy the fun and the spookiness. And as another saying goes… “Eat, Drink, and be Scary!“… (but keep the fright to the costumes).