Galloping Cows

January 31, 2020

“Galloping Cows” …  I think it must have been the name that caught my eye when I was searching the world of pepper jelly. It brought an instant smile. But it was the people and the delightful behind-the-scenes story that intrigued me further.

Joanne and Ron have been in business in Port Hood, Nova Scotia since 1994. They use locally grown and hand picked ingredients to make an incredible line of pepper jellies (along with jams, chutney, and marmalade). Their products are so outstanding that they were featured at TIFF, the Golden Globes, and even at the Oscars!

I had to laugh reading that Joanne originally ignored emails from Hollywood thinking they were a hoax. Thankfully the committee phoned anticipating they had the wrong address. Then…WOW!.. (fast forward) …they ended up at the Oscars; meeting the stars; and sharing their phenomenal products.

Talk about a fairy tale come true! And rightfully so. Their specialties are over the moon delicious! We have the Pepper Jelly, Mango Chutney, and (just arrived), the ‘Galloping Cow Oscar Set‘. This is a wonderful innovative collection of pepper jellies… and the same one that was presented to the actors!

The Academy Awards Show is fast approaching!…Plan that Oscar party now! Here’s our updated shopping list for the occassion:

  • wine (check)
  • cheese (check)
  • Galloping Cow Pepper Jelly (yay!..check)



**Check the Galloping Cow website for more products and information