Pouligny-Saint-Pierre AOC

The nickname of this cheese is “the Eiffel Tower” or “the Pyramid” as the shape is a conventional upright triangle. It is a classic AOC goat cheese from the famous Loire region and it is, by conformation, 200g and 8 cm tall with a base diameter of 7.5 cm. It has a dry slightly knobbly rind that is cream or slightly reddish in colour with a possible light dusting of gray-blue mold. The aroma is of straw, and the paste is moist, soft and crumbly with a light tang with transfers to salty and sweet.

How To Enjoy:

This cheese is quite the stunning addition to the cheeseboard or served on the side of a simple green salad.  It is equally delicious slightly broiled or flamed. Goes well with a fruity Chenin or Sauvignon wine from the Touraine or Berry regions.


  • Milk Goat
  • Country France
  • Region Centre
  • Type Aged Fresh